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The Disney star suffered bullying at school. "I really did not know why they were being nasty to me," said Demi. She also said that they just said "well, you're fat" and a few days later she developed an eating disorder.
During his childhood, struggled with bulimia, ie she vomited everything she ate.
His family sought help from a professional, but Demi kept secret.
She was cutting. "I was eleven when I started to cut myself"
"It was a way to express what I felt ergonha of myself, of my own body"
She began to hide the cuts with makeup and bracelets.
15 years received his big role in Camp Rock, and was instantly transformed into a teen sensation.
She appeared in a photo with his wrists cut all the scars were exposed by IRST time. "When that picture came I was terrified! The whole world saw my internal problem and obscure that even my parents knew. When you do this for a long time, you kind of forget you're there. That was a warning, so I started to do in places no one could see, was more cautious. "
After the photo, Demi assured his family that everything was fine and focused his energy on his show, Sunny between stars.
Soon after came following the successful Camp Rock, Camp Rock 2 and her second album reached number one on Billboard.
In the summer she began a tour with the Jonas Brothers sold out. Plus, she was dating the thief of hearts of adolescents, Joe Jonas. 6 million fans on its Facebook followed his every move. Her life seemed perfect, but your inner demons worsened. His self-mutilation intensified.
"My mother came into my room in the morning, often terrified, because she did not know what he would find. Became something serious. "
During the tour your relationship with Joe Jonas ended, but the romantic duets they had to do not.
Then a twist. Years of mutilation could not be forgotten.
"I was doing concerts on an empty stomach. I was losing my voice and I was literally vomiting emotionally distraught and cashed in someone who meant a lot to me. "
Demi physically assaulted one of her dancers, Alex Welch, the resulting marks can be seen in this photo, TMZ.
"I take full 100% responsibility. The moment I woke up and realized what I had done, I felt sick "
Demi's family did an intervention and entrepreneurs. They said "No, you can not live like this, you need help." And it was exactly what she did.
She left the tour and went to Timberline Knolls, a treatment center for women facing problems. There she received treatment and new diagnostic and shocking. Demi was Bipolar, something she had never spoken to before the cameras.
"I had no idea what it was until Bipolar treatment. With 7 years I started having suicidal thoughts. On second thought, yeah, ok, I was Bipolar. In some moments where I was very depressed, I thought, yes, I can do it, I can do it, so then I got discouraged more depressed than ever. "
After three months of intense therapy, a new beginning. "For the first time in my life I began to feel. It was such a good experience not let your feelings aside and ignore them. I'm grateful now because I'm feeling, you know? "
Feeling and doing well. The cuts on his wrists healed. And now covers the sensitive words. A new tattoo, a mantra: "Stay Strong"
"The Feedback is for me: Stay Strong. They were written so that poses the read. So everyday, no matter if I'm putting my shoes, or makeup, I see every day, to stay strong. "
Demi Lovato is currently working on his third album for Hollywood Records.

This woman is a fashion icon and an example for all to overcome. She is THE X FACTOR jury's